Love: I have always been a sucker for "La Vie En Rose." Yesterday on 4th Street in Berkeley, when the rain took a break, the talented and adorable Laura Weinberg of Foxtails Brigade performed a beautiful, delicate rendition that made my day. You can listen to it here:

Like: Chicken Under a Brick. Last night we made this version which appeared in Bon Appetit a year ago. What's not to like?

Discovery: We have a pretty extensive collection of old LPs - and a broken turntable. I saw this portable Crosley USB Record Player at Urban Outfitters and placed an order. It will be nice to use by the fireplace in the rainy months to come, or out on the patio come summer.

Obsession: The current geek out is Star Wars: The Clone Wars (now in its third season on Cartoon Network.) We're in the midst of season two on DVD. And by we I mean me and my Padawan Stella. It's really fun, but the show is also making what goes down in Episode 3 of the film series all that more tragic.

Complaint: I had a delicious pre-holiday lunch at Cotogna and hoped to take my parents there when they come to town in late February. Alas, a non-5:45, non-9:30 weekend reservation has become all but impossible, even when planning a month in advance. Merde.

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