Love: Geography in general, and maps and globes in particular. Perhaps this originated with the many long family car trips we took, driving from Wisconsin to Florida or Colorado or Washington D.C., with my father challenging us to name all 50 states and their capitols, and letting us track our route, inked in red pen, on a AAA map. Or maybe the globe bank I had was the spark. But however it started, by high school I confess to being overjoyed in social studies whenever the teacher would place an un-labled map in front of us and see if we could identify each country in Europe or Asia. Two of my favorite things now are this old globe lamp we bought years ago at the bi-annual San Francisco Art Deco show, and a vintage globe I bought for Stella for Christmas. I love how they look and I love to look at the way the world used to be - countries of different shapes, with names like Siam, French Indo China, and Belgian Congo.

Like: This wood map puzzle magnet from Etsy.
Discovery: My friend Lisa came across pica pica's etsy store (which is currently shuttered while they move) and I quickly snapped up one of their map bowls.
Obsession: I am deeply envious of the "map rooms" that two friends of mine scored in their 1920something homes.
(You can see more of Jackie's place here:
Complaint: More a concern than a complaint at this stage, but it would be sad if between Google maps and GPS, everyone loses that physical connection to geography and if having a dogeared, marked-up map or road atlas in your glovebox becomes as outdated as a globe with the U.S.S.R.
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