Love: Venn Diagrams. They are a great - and often amusing - way of looking at things.

Like: Elvis Mitchell's The Treatment on KCRW (podcast on iTunes). A film geek's interview show that bypasses the superficial questions for a more interesting conversation about the crafts of filmmaking and storytelling.
Discovery: Legend has it that the Imperial Walkers (AT-ATs to the big geeks out there)in The Empire Strikes Back were inspired by the cranes at the Port of Oakland. This t-shirt, sold at the Temescal Farmers' Market in Oakland, sums it up nicely.
Obsession: BSG. Watch it people. Everyone I've browbeat into watching it has reported a 100% satisfaction rate. And before you decide it's not for you, read creator Ron Moore's manifesto for the show.
Complaint: That the Kindle doesn't get enough respect. It may not be AS sexy as the iPad (the Moleskine cover helps), but the paper-like reading experience is great, there's a free, lightening fast connection to the store, and I really like getting to download free samples to start a book and decide if I want to buy the rest to continue.
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