Love: Futura - and how Wes Anderson uses it everywhere as a signature design element.

Like: Eric Anderson's illustrations, both the work he does inside his brother's films and the work he does for the Critereon DVD versions. Plus, who doesn't covet the luggage from Darjeeling Limited?

Discovery: Wes Anderson knows how to put together a soundtrack, but what I've loved most was the stuff I'd never heard anywhere else before - especially Peter Sarstedt's "Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)" from Hotel Chevalier and Seu Jorge's Bowie covers in "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou."

Obsession: Wes Anderson's aesthetic (surprise). Particularly his intense focus on a thousand little details and his love of things vintage, analog and handmade. From the kids' rooms in "the house on Archer Avenue" to the train cars in The Darjeeling Limited to Badger's office in "Fantastic Mr. Fox," it all feels a bit like a crafted diorama writ large.

Complaint: A painting of Margot and Richie Tenenbaum that we bought off Etsy, still rolled in a cardboard tube, accidentally went out with the recycling.

That sucks about the painting in the recycling! I would have loved to seen that hanging in your house. I loved that movie!