Love: Gattaca, my current treadmill movie. It's been years since I've watched it and I'd forgotten how great it is. I especially love the way its production and costume designs mix the future with the past, like the vintage cars that sound like landspeeders.

Like: A thrown-together pasta dinner, which is becoming Erich's Sunday specialty. This one included fresh egg noodles from The Pasta Shop, sauteed Italian sausage, peppers, arugula and parmesan.
Discovery: The weekend found us scoring new versions of old standbys. (1) Like most kids, Stella loves Crocs and wants to wear them everyday. We, on the other hand, keep pushing Cons. On Sunday we stumbled upon an alternative we all can get behind at Berkeley's Convert: Native Shoes. They're like the offspring of a one night stand between a pair of Cons and a pair of Crocs. (2) A grey knitted pouf stool/cushion thing-y from CB2, an update of the bean bag.

Obsession: TV. Good TV. Watching it, talking about it, reading about it (on sites like A while back an article in The Atlantic Monthly described today's great television dramas as "mega movies." Well filmed, well acted, and with the luxury of time to deeply develop characters and story arcs. There are many shows we love (all the usual suspects - The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Big Love, Lost, BSG, Friday Night Lights), and they disproportionately air on Sunday nights. Right now this means the weekend ends with Mad Men, True Blood and Rubicon.

Complaint: Ikea on a Saturday is a disaster. But I do like their new STUVA storage system. We got the pink (natch) armoire for Stella's closet.