Like: Parmesan Walnut Salad in Endive Spears - the hors d'ourvres I brought for Thanksgiving. It was able to walk that line of being refreshing and light, yet rich and a bit decadent at the same time.

Discovery: Barrel-aged cocktails. At home! Our friends made up a batch of Negronis and aged them in a small barrel for a month. They were delicious - a bit mellower than the usual Negroni - and are a perfect winter-month house project. This is a link to Clyde Common bartender Jeffrey Morgenthaler's blog with more information, including a good source for barrels.
Obsession: I've already written about mine with World War II in a past list. Now I'm happy to find that Alwyn Collinson has taken it to an epic new level with his RealTimeWWII's "live" tweeting of World War II events as they would have unfolded, day by day, starting with the German invasion of Poland in 1939. I hope he manages to keep it up for the next six years, going through the bombing of Britain to D-Day to V-J Day and everything in between.
Complaint: Why didn't we have sing-a-long movies when I was young? I took Stella to Sing-A-Long Sound of Music at The Castro Theater and it was truly The Rocky Horror Picture Show for kids (at the matinee at least - no doubt it gets way raunchier in the evening). They passed out prop bags (a bit of edelweiss,etc.) and instructed the crowd on things to shout. It's playing through this coming weekend.
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