Like: A lunchtime getaway to Hog Island Oyster Co. Most days I only have time to quickly eat something uninspired at my desk while continuing to work, but twice in the past few weeks I've had the chance to walk down California Street to the Ferry Building. It's always worth the trip, and the hike back up the hill helps to work off the clam chowder.

Discovery: Stella can do tricks.

Obsession: Acme Pain au Levain is the monkey on my back. Especially when paired with a dish of McElvoy olive oil sprinkled with sea salt.

Complaint: That I don't have my own copy of Ken Burns' The Civil War. Today is the 150th Anniversary of the firing upon Fort Sumter and I'd love to acknowledge that by re-watching parts of this great documentary. Years before there was a "Ken Burns Effect" in iPhoto, his ways of bringing still photography - not to mention our history - to life were pretty revolutionary. And that Sullivan Ballou letter? It never ceases to amaze. (The embed doesn't appear to be working. You can watch that scene at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=693065493279283445#.)

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