Like: White Russians. I personally only drink a couple a year, at Christmastime. But the Dude is right to drink them year round, since they provide calcium and Vitamin D along with your alcohol.

Discovery: Public Bikes. Founded by the man who started Design Within Reach, Public Bikes are European-style street bikes that are really affordable and stylish, with lots of cute basket and bag accessories. I'm into this white one with white wheels.

Obsession: Subway tile. I love it here (our kitchen and bathroom) and there (restaurants like Schiller's Liquor Bar) and everywhere.

Complaint: That I'm ending 2010 still stuck with AT&T. My old iPhone is near death but I'm desperately holding out for the rumored January launch of the Verizon iPhone. As soon as I'm able, I'll get a white one, and then step 2 will be to skin the back of it with Short Sleeve Alliance's Polaroid Land Camera sticker.

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