Like: A Woody Allen-inspired afternoon in New York City, including a walk by The Lake in Central Park and late afternoon drinks at Bemelmans.

Discovery: This poster for Zurich's Film Podium, by Swiss graphic designer Ralph Schraivogel. It's sitting in our den in a tube awaiting framing.

Obsession: Manhattan, my all-time favorite movie, with too many wonderful moments and bits of dialogue to catalog, beginning, of course, with "Chapter One. He adored New York City..."

Complaint: Allen's personal life has made it hard not to cringe a bit upon re-watching many of his great older films since so often they feature his character with much younger women (Mariel Hemingway, Juliette Lewis, etc.) My favorite pairing for him will always be Diane Keaton, and I particularly loved seeing them together again after many years in Manhattan Murder Mystery.

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