Like: Girls. The San Francisco band's record Album has been a big favorite the past year. And they're playing at The Fillmore on October 15th.

Discovery: Filoli. It's a beautiful estate down in Woodside with amazing formal gardens. The grounds have a tennis court, pool house, conservatory, potting house, etc. - all the stuff one might expect of a spread used as an exterior shot in the Dynasty credits. The estate is open for public tours.

Obsession: The vintage streetcars in San Francisco are about the most beautiful things ever. (Granted, I do not commute on them - no doubt the romance and charm wears off.) I love that they have been found all over the U.S. and even overseas, restored and given new life in our city by the Bay.

Complaint: The Bay Bridge Commute. When I add up how many hours I spend in it each week Xs weeks of the year Xs how many years I've lived here and will continue to live here, well, it's mind-blowingly depressing.

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