Love: Sixteen Candles. Jake Ryan. Sigh. Happily, the basic premise - having your birthday blown off by pretty much everyone - has been rendered null and void by Facebook and all those very nice Happy Birthday wall posts.

Like: A Red Velvet Cupcake is my birthday treat of choice. Love at First Bite in Berkeley makes a great one.

Discovery: Yo Gabba Gabba is the kids' show for adults. They got the Ting Tings to cover "Happy Birthday" - the song from, yes, Sixteen Candles.

Obsession: I want a Mini Countryman. Bad. First, it has to make it to the States. But by my next birthday, I'm hoping that this will be my ride.

Complaint: None so far today. Oh, except aging.
Happy Birthday, Kelly. I just called Love at First Bite. I was going to send you some Red Velvet cupcakes, but the owners car is broken down today. Have a good one. No, make that a great one.
happy birthday, Kelly! i hope the coming year is full of loves, likes, discoveries, obsessions and low on complaints.